Sunday, November 8, 2009


How do you get a notebook computer with the functions you need and a price you can afford? I have looked at computer stores and in the Sunday flyers in my local newspaper and while the prices have gone down considerable, notebook computers are still not cheap by any stretch of the imagination. A notebook computer can offer you the chance to work without being tied down to your desk or home office. To get one at a good price, though, takes some research and patience on your part.

First of all, you need to decide what you need in your notebook computer. Most are going to be equipped with office programs, internet access, and other basic computer functions. For most of us, that is plenty. If there is more you need, then you should consult with a professional to find out what exactly it is you need to have on the notebook computer when you go to look for it. With most being similarly equipped, though, you will probably want to find something affordable and reliable.

For affordability, you may want to consider a refurbished computer. Many electronics retailers and even online stores offer these computers. Refurbished notebook computers are one that have been used and are a little older, but have been erased and given fresh memory and programs so that they are basically as good as new. They are generally significantly cheaper than new laptops, but are usually still reliable. Some stores may even offer a limited warranty or guarantee on their refurbished notebook computers.

You can also, if it makes you more comfortable, get yourself a new notebook computer at a decent price by looking around a little bit. Check online first, as many retailers offer their computers online at a discounted price. By shipping it straight to you, rather than one of their physical stores, they are saving a little bit of money and might pass that savings on to you. They will also sometimes begin a closeout online before doing so in the stores. It is a way to get an early jump on removing outdated notebook computers from their national inventory.

Finding a good notebook computer is important to those who want to be able to work, surf the net, and email without being tethered to the office or desk at home. They are however, not a small or cheap purchase. Because of that, you should do some research before buying a notebook computer. Check out refurbished models at your local electronics shop or even online. If you are not comfortable with a used laptop, then consider shopping around online to find closeouts and pre-closeouts available at online retailers who may specialize in notebook computers. Either way, be patient and make sure you find the computer that works for you at a price you can afford and you will not regret your purchase.